Pipecaster Issue 1 Vol. 35


The Construction Trades License Training Corporation’s (CTLTC) first course for the new year will be:


We urge anyone seeking to renew their License to please use the CTLTC’s website to sign up.


REMINDER – Completion of this 7-hour course satisfies the requirement for both Licensed Master Plumbers and Fire Suppression Contractors seeking to renew their license(s) which, under the 2008 Administrative section of the Building Code, is a three year license period. Licensees are required to take the 7-hour course within 24 months prior to the expiration of the license.



On January 10, 2013 the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) announced that property owners, throughout the City, have the option to participate in a voluntary service line protection program (essentially an insurance program in which homeowners pay an extra monthly fee through the City generated water bill to DEP in exchange for a City selected provider agreeing to repair service lines). This program was awarded by DEP to American Water Resources (AWR) and AWR has started contracting the service work (scope is specifically defined in the DEP contract) to NYC Licensed Master Plumbers since only NYC Licensed Master Plumbers can perform work on these water and sewer line systems. For further information on this program read the DEP press release link listed below:


There is an important issue for any Licensed Master Plumber who decides to work under this DEP program. The DEP has stated that workers under this contract do not have be paid “prevailing wages”; Indeed they could be paid as low as the minimum wage. Since that DEP decision the NYC Comptroller’s Office (the City’s chief financial officer) has determined that the DEP/AWR program is subject to NYS Labor Law Section 220 Schedule and workers must be paid prevailing wage according to the corresponding work type.

These two differing points of view potentially expose the Licensed Master Plumber(s) working under this contract to prevailing wage claims if the contractor follows DEP’s decision and pays his employees less than the prevailing wage scale. Accordingly, one option is for plumbing contractor(s) to ask for indemnification if the DEP decision is ruled to be incorrect and the Comptroller’s determination is ultimately upheld and prevailing wages must be paid.


As a reminder, under the NYC Fuel Gas Code (FGC) there are allowed materials as well as prohibited materials for gas piping. Cast iron, copper, brass, aluminum, and metallic tubing (including corrugated flexible gas piping) CANNOT be used as per FGC section 403.3 thru 403.5. According to the FGC, carbon steel and wrought-iron pipe are permitted if the product conforms to one of the standards listed in FGC section 403.4.2 (ASME B 36.10, 10M; ASTM A 53; or ASTM A 106). At this time stainless steel piping is considered “Other Materials” and can only be used subject to special approval by the Department of Buildings’ Commissioner as per FGC section 403.3. Currently, no stainless steel products for Fuel Gas piping material have been approved by the DOB Commissioner. Perhaps one of the reasons stainless steel piping is not permitted is because floodwaters contain particulars which are corrosive to stainless steel piping, according to a recent article published by a leading national manufacturer of stainless steel pipe.


Are You Ready for the New National Lead Law?

Help Has Arrived at www.GetTheLeadOutPiumbing.com

The countdown is on: the Federal “Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act” becomes effective January 4, 2014, and distributors, engineers, contractors, and code officials all need to start preparing now. To facilitate a smooth transition, The Get the Lead Out Plumbing Consortium is in place and ready to get you ready … offering widespread education about the manufacture, distribution, and installation of Lead Free* plumbing products.

The Consortium – a cross-section of the plumbing industry comprised of leading trade associations and manufacturers – is offering a variety of resources that will help you prepare for this new law, which makes it illegal to sell or install pipes, fittings and fixtures in applications that convey water for human consumption that have a weighted average lead content exceeding 0.25% (the previous national standard was 8.0% maximum).

“This is a game changer,” says Roger Peugeot, vice chairman of the PHCC Educational Foundation. “There is a lot of stock out there in trucks and warehouses, which will need to be used by the end of [2013]. The product also takes a different technique for soldering, which will involve training.”

To promote understanding of and compliance with the new law, the Consortium has developed a comprehensive web site, www.GetTheLeadOutPiumbing.com. Visit it today, and get all the facts, including:

  • Interpretation and enforcement issues related to the new law.
  • Information about Lead Free products, basis for Lead Free product selection and compliance, and material factors impacting the ability to solder Lead Free alloys effectively and solder-flux considerations.
  • Upcoming training opportunities at industry meetings.
  • Step-by-step action plans for distributors, engineers, contractors, and code officials on how to prepare for the federal Lead Free law.

*Lead Free refers to the wetted surface of pipe, fittings and fixtures in potable water systems that have a weighted average lead content <=0.25% per the Safe Drinking Water Act (Sec. 1417) amended 1-4-2011 and other equivalent state regulations. *This article is provided by the Get The Lead Out Plumbing Consortium. Members of the consortium include: American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE), American Supply Association (ASA), International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO ), International Code Council (ICC), Legend Valve, Milwaukee Valve, NIBCO INC., Plumbing Heating Cooling Contractors - National Association (PHCC), PHCC Educational Foundation, Plumbing Manufacturers International (PM!), Reliance Worldwide, Viega, LLC, Watts Water Technologies. The Plumbing Foundation has made inquiries to the NYC Department of Buildings as to how this Federal Act is going to be enforced on jobs within New York City. For example, can contractors install non-complying products and materials. On jobs approved (or permited) before January 4, 2014 ? Once the Foundation receives an answer from the City, that explanation will be distributed via the Pipecaster.


With the passage of the revised New York City plumbing code on August 8, 2012 (which will not take effect until the entire Building Code is enacted sometime in 2014 and therefore cannot be used until that date) we thought it would be useful to highlight the changes to the 2008 NYC plumbing Code. Over the next few issues of the Pipecaster we will list all the changes/additions we perceived impacted the plumbing code. Below is the latest edition in series of important revised changes to the code, followed by additional information on the enclosed insert. Pipecaster issue #9 of 2012 started the overview of highlighted changes to the Plumbing Code.

For a copy of previous Pipecaster issues please visit the Foundation’s website: www.plumbingfoundation.org

The New York City plumbing code is amended by adding a new section 703.6.1, to read as follows:

703.6.1 – Every sanitary or combined building drain equipped with a building trap, sewage pump, ejector, receiving tank, oil separator, or similar equipment, shall be provided with a fresh air inlet pipe connected to the building drain immediately upstream from, and within 4 feet of such trap or equipment. Such connection shall be made in the same manner as prescribed in Section PC 905 for vent connections to horizontal drains, and the fresh air inlet pipe shall be extended to the outer air and shall be terminated in an open end at least 6 inches above grade.

The open end shall be protected by a perforated metal plate permanently fixed in the mouth of the inlet and having an open ventilating area at least equal to the area of the pipe, or by a return bend with its unprotected open end at least 6 inches above grade, located inside the street line. The size of the fresh air inlet pipe shall be at least one-half the diameter of the building drain at the point of connection, but not less than 3 Inches.

Sections 705.16 through 705.20 of the New York City plumbing code are amended. They address joints between polyethylene plastic pipe and fittings, polyolefin plastic pipe and fittings and polyvinylidene plastic pipe and fittings. This section covers how the joints are made and the standards to which they must adhere. This includes both heat fusion and mechanical type joints.


Table 709.1 of the New York City plumbing code is amended regarding certain fixture unit values and minimum trap sizes.

TABLE 709.1


Bidet 1 [1¼]
Dental Lavatory 1 [1¼]
Floor drains 2 [2] 3
Floor sinks Sum of FU value of fixtures discharging into it 2
Kitchen sink, domestic 2 [1½] 2
Kitchen sink, domestic with food waste grinder and/or dishwasher 2 [1½] 2
Laundry tray (1 or 2 compartments) 2 [1½] 2
Lavatory 1 [1¼]
Shower 2 [1½] 2
Sink 2 [1½] 2

Table 710.1(2) of the New York City plumbing code is amended to read as follows:



Total for horizontal branch Stacks
[Total discharge into one
branch interval]
Total for stack of three
branch Intervals or less
Total for stack greater than
three branch intervals
3 [2] 4 8
2 6 [6] 10 24
12 [9] 20 42
3 20 [20] 48 72
4 160 [90] 240 500
5 360 [200] 540 1,100
6 620 [350] 960 1.900
8 1,400 [600] 2,200 3,600
10 2,500 [1,000] 3,800 5,600
12 3,900 [1,500] 6,000 8,400
15 7,000 [Note c] Note c Note c

a. Does not include branches of the building drain. Refer to Table 710.1(1).

b. Stacks shall be sized based on the total accumulated connected load at each story or branch intervaL [As the total accumulated connected load decreases, stacks are permitted to be reduced in size. Stack diameters shall not be reduced to less than one-half of the diameter of the largest stack size required.] No soil or waste stack shall be smaller than any horizontal branch connection thereto.

c. Sizing load based on design criteria.

802.1.8 – Sinks used for the washing, rinsing or sanitizing of utensils, dishes, pots, pans or serviceware used in the preparation, serving or eating of food shall discharge indirectly through an air gap or an air break.

Exception: Hand sinks may be directly collected to the drainage system.

Section 803.2 of the New York City plumbing code is amended to read as follows:

803.2 –All discharges into the public sewers are subject to regulation by the Department of Environmental Protection. The Department of Environmental Protection may prohibit the discharge of any corrosive liquids, including but not limited to spent acids or other harmful chemicals that may destroy or injure a drain, sewer, soil or waste pipe, or create noxious or toxic fumes or interfere with sewage treatment processes or may require that such liquid be neutralized or treated prior to discharge in accordance with Department of Environmental Protection regulations. Where treatment prior to discharge is required by the Department of Environmental Protection. liquids shall not be discharged into the plumbing system without being thoroughly neutralized or treated in [accordance with the requirements of the New York City department of environmental protection] compliance with the rule of theDepartment of Environmental Protection.

Section PC 909, PC 1002 and PC 1003 of the New York City plumbing code are amended to read as follows:



909.1 -Any combination of fixtures within one bathroom group located in the same room [are] is permitted to be vented by a horizontal wet vent. The wet vent shall be considered the vent for the fixtures and shall extend from the connection of the dry vent along the direction of the flow in the drain pipe to the most downstream fixture drain connection to the horizontal branch drain. Each wet-vented fixture drain shall connect independently to the horizontal wet vent. Only the fixtures within the bath-room groups shall connect to the wet-vented horizontal branch drain. Any additional fixtures shall discharge downstream of the horizontal wet vent.

909.2 – The dry vent connection to the wet vent shall be an individual vent or common vent to the lavatory, bidet, shower or bathtub. The dry vent shall be sized based on the largest required diameter of pipe within the wet vent system served by the dry vent.

909.2.1 – Horizontal wet vent. The dry-vent connection for a horizontal wet-vent system hall be an individual vent or a common vent for any bathroom group fixture, except an emergency floor drain. Where the dry-vent connects to a water closet fixture drain, compact the drain shall connect horizontally to the horizontal wet-vent system. Not more than one wet-vented fixture drain shall discharge upstream of the dry-vented fixture drain connection.

909.3 – The dry vent serving the wet vent shall b sized based on the large t required diameter of pipe within the wet-vent system served by the dry vent. The wet vent shall be a minimum size of 2 inches.


Since its establishment in 1986 the Plumbing Foundation has worked diligently to ensure that the plumbing industry has as little a “carbon footprint” on New York City as possible. The plumbing industry has historically utilized environmentally friendly materials like recycled cast-iron and copper piping/fittings. The Foundation will continue its role of protecting New York City as well as being an advocate for the environment by strengthening its water/sanitary regulations thereby the City’s wasteful water consumption.

THE PIPECASTER is published by The Plumbing Foundation City of New York, 44 West 28th Street., 12th Floor. New York, New York; (212) 481-9740; Fax: (212) 481-7185. Lawrence J. Levine, Chairman; Thomas Maniuszko, Vice Chairman; Louis J. Buttermark, Treasurer; Stewart O’Brien, Executive Director; Terence O’Brien, Editor. Board of Directors: George Bassolino, Paul Belli, Marc Breslaw, Raymond Cardoza, Harris Clark, Lawrence J. Levine, Adam Levy, Scott Lyons, Robert Ricco, John Scarpinito